Sunday 8 November 2009

Lashes for sex

Lashes for sex
Mazen Abdel Jawad (32) stands trial in Saudi-Arabia, because he publicly discussed his sex live. He can get 20 years in jail and a thousand lashes, posted the local newspaper Arab News yesterday. The divorced father of four told in July in a talk show how he seduced women in his bedroom. In the strict-Islamic country sex outside of marriage is forbidden.

This is just absurd, but also kind of funny, condemning, illegalizing and trying restrict the most natural urge of humans, to reproduce. It is like making apple growth illegal for apple trees. And it is just ignorant to make having sex outside of marriage illegal, because most people will do it anyway. Humans trying to control nature and other people and making rules and guidelines to me is just another way to control their own fear and to make sense of this complicated world. But what I don’t understand is that so many people cling to their illusion of control, that rules like this will actually prevent people from doing something as natural as sex. It just makes me laugh when I think that individuals and organisations consider themselves powerful and in control, because compared to the size of this planet and the universe we are noting but an ant farm, which can be terminated at any second and no ant or group of ants will be able to do anything about it.

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